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SHBG Test – How to Interpret Your Results and What to do With Them

SHBG is short for Sex Hormone Binding Globulin.

This test is rarely ordered, which is unfortunate because it can give you a lot of information about the hormones in your body.

High levels can lead to symptoms of excess estrogen, excess thyroid, and low testosterone.

Low levels can lead to symptoms of low thyroid, low estrogen, and excess testosterone.

In this article, I will discuss how to interpret your SHBG test results, and list some common causes of elevated levels and low levels.  

I will show how SHBG can be used to monitor your thyroid function if you are on thyroid medication.

I will also discuss some things that you can do to help you get your SHBG level back into the optimal range whether it is high or low...


What is SHBG?

SHBG is an acronym for sex hormone binding globulin.

It does what it sounds like it does - it binds up sex hormones.

Why is that important?

In order to understand this better we need to discuss how hormones work in general.

The vast majority of hormones in your body are bound to proteins in the bloodstream.  This helps to stabilize the hormone so it can get to the targeted cells all over the body.

While it is bound, however, it is inactive and not available for the cells to use.

In order for the hormone to be active, it must break away from the protein.  This makes it a "free" hormone and it can then enter the cells and turn on the cellular function it is designed to do.

This is called the Free Hormone Hypothesis.

The "free" hormones are therefore the "active" hormones.

The amount of "free" hormones is much smaller than the amount of "bound" hormones.

This protein binding is one of the ways that the body uses to regulate the hormone levels.

So what about SHBG?

SHBG levels naturally increase as we age.  Since most hormone levels naturally decline as well, this makes a deficiency of those hormones (especially testosterone) even more pronounced.

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin binds to several different hormones.  The body uses SHBG to inactivate these hormones in the bloodstream.

Too much of it can be bad because it can bind so much of the hormone that we can have symptoms caused by a lack of that hormone.

Too little can also be bad because it can cause an excess of certain hormones which also causes symptoms.

Even small changes in SHBG can cause substantial symptoms and problems.

SHBG has a stronger affinity for some hormones that others.

It will preferentially bind to sex hormones in this order (from highest affinity to lowest):

  • Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
  • Testosterone
  • Androstenediol
  • Estradiol
  • Estrone

As you can see, SHBG has a greater affinity for androgens than estrogens.

You can therefore predict the symptoms you may have by knowing the effect that the SHBG level has on your androgen levels.

For example, if you have an elevated SHBG, it will bind DHT and testosterone which will cause symptoms of low testosterone (weight gain, depression, increased belly fat, loss of muscle, etc.).

With low levels of SHBG, you will have more unbound or free testosterone which will cause symptoms of high testosterone (acne, facial hair growth, PCOS, etc).

Hopefully you can see why it's important to check your SHBG level if you are having any symptoms of hormonal imbalance to help you and your doctor determine what issues are going on in your body.

The optimal range for SHBG is 60-80 nmol/L.  Any level below or above this range should be investigated.

Elevated SHBG Test

There are several things that I will list below that can elevate SHBG levels.

Most of these occur because they affect one of these 2 hormones in the body - Estrogen and thyroid hormone.

An increase in either or both of these hormones will stimulate the liver to increase SHBG production.

A SHBG level > 80 nmol/L is considered too high.

Common Causes of Elevated SHBG

Another hormone to keep in mind that is closely linked to SHBG is cortisol.

Cortisol is our stress hormone.  In times of increased stress (physical or mental), our adrenal glands increase cortisol production.  

An elevated cortisol level stimulates the liver to increase SHBG production.

Symptoms of Elevated SHBG

Please realize that an elevated level of SHBG does not in itself cause any symptoms.

The symptoms are caused by the effect that the high SHBG level has on hormones in the body.

Most of the symptoms will be due to either excess estrogen and/or low testosterone:

  • Menstrual Irregularities
  • Weight Gain (pear shape type)
  • Mood Swings
  • Breast Tenderness
  • Loss of Muscle Mass
  • Fatigue
  • Fluid Retention

If the elevated SHBG is caused by the situation of a high thyroid level (hyperthyroidism or excessive oral thyroid medication), you can also have symptoms related to the elevated thyroid such as tremor, palpitations and weight loss.

How to Treat an Elevated SHBG

Treating an elevated SHBG has more to do with finding the cause of the elevation rather than treating the elevated SHBG itself.

There are several things you should consider doing:

1.  Check your Estrogen and Progesterone Levels -

The ratio of these 2 hormones is more important than the numbers themselves.

Check the levels in the middle of your cycle (2 weeks after your last period) for the best results.

If the ratio of estrogen:progesterone is >10:1, you have estrogen dominance that needs to be addressed.

2. Check Your Thyroid Levels -

If your estrogen level is normal, then it is highly likely that your thyroid is the culprit of your elevated SHBG.

Check a complete thyroid panel, especially free T3 and free T4.

If these are elevated and you are on thyroid medication, you may need to lower your dose or even change your thyroid medication.

If you aren't on thyroid medication, you need to have more testing done ASAP to find the cause of your elevated thyroid (most likely Grave's Disease).

3.  Stop Smoking!
4.  If you are on oral birth control pills, consider using another form of birth control -
5.  Work on Stress Management -

I discuss several techniques to better manage your stress in my article on Adrenal Fatigue.

Low SHBG Test

Low SHBG is more difficult to detect and often harder to treat.

As a result, it is often ignored much more than an elevated SHBG.

Common Causes of Low SHBG

A low SHBG typically occurs in menopausal women or patients with hypothyroidism (low thyroid).

So if your SHBG is < 60 nmol/L, you should look at estrogen and thyroid as the probable causes if you are menopausal.

If you are still menstruating, then hypothyroidism is the likely cause.

If one or both of those hormones is low, SHBG levels will drop which will increase free testosterone, paving the way for conditions such as PCOS.

This series of hormone imbalances also appears to set up a person to develop insulin resistance.

In fact, a low SHBG level has been shown to be a strong predictor for type 2 diabetes in both men and women.

Symptoms of Low SHBG

The symptoms associated with a low SHBG are typically caused by low thyroid hormone, low estrogen, and elevated testosterone.  The include:

  • Weight Gain
  • Menstrual Irregularities
  • Fatigue
  • Hot flashes
  • Acne
  • Facial Hair Growth
  • Hair loss
  • Depression

Keep in mind that your individual symptoms will depend on which hormones are out of balance and to what extent.

Treatment of Low SHBG

If you have a low SHBG, you should consider the following things:

1.  Check a complete thyroid panel -
  • TSH
  • free T4
  • free T3
  • reverse T3
  • TPO antibodies
  • thyroglobulin antibodies

Compare these tests with their optimal levels to determine if you have a thyroid issue.

If your thyroid function is low, it is probably affecting your SHBG level and you will need to consider taking a thyroid medication and doing other things to help boost your thyroid function.

2.  Check your estrogen/progesterone ratio if you are menopausal- 

After menopause, your estrogen levels will drop which can drop your SHBG level.

If that is the case in your situation, you might need to consider bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

3.  Check your free testosterone level - 

If your SHBG level is low, there will be less of it to bind to testosterone, so it may cause your free testosterone level to rise.

This can usually be alleviated by maximizing your thyroid medication which will raise your SHBG level.

How the SHBG Test Can Be Used to Monitor Thyroid Function

One final benefit of checking your SHBG level is it a good indicator of the thyroid function in your body.

In states of low thyroid function, the SHBG level drops.

In states of high thyroid function, the SHBG level rises.

This allows the SHBG to be used as a marker to assess the thyroid hormone absorption and cellular function.

If you have low SHBG and hypothyroidism, you should test your SHBG level at the beginning of treatment to assess if you are on the right type of thyroid hormone and the right amount.

If you are taking a T4 only thyroid medication and your SHBG level does not increase, you may have a problem with peripheral conversion of T4 into active T3.

You therefore may need to change to a natural dessicated thyroid (NDT) or add T3 to your current regimen.

On the flip side, if after starting your thyroid medication your SHBG level rises > 80 nmol/L, that is an indication that your dose is too high and it should be reduced.


The sex hormone binding globulin level gives us important information on the status of several hormones in the body.

A high level is typically caused by estrogen excess and excess cortisol.

A low level is typically caused by low thyroid.  It also is an indicator that you may be having issues with insulin resistance.

The key to treating an abnormal SHBG level is to identify what is causing the abnormality and correct it.

Doing this will help return the SHBG level to the optimal range and reduce symptoms.

Now it's your turn...

Do you have an abnormal SHBG level?

Have you identified the cause or causes?

Please leave your comments below.

About the Author Dr. Jeff Whelchel

Dr. Whelchel is a family physician who specializes in functional medicine, especially hormone optimization. He has over 20 years experience in private practice managing patients with various medical issues. His passion is helping patients reach their full potential of wellness and quality of life. He grew up in the Texas Panhandle where he currently lives. He is married and has 3 awesome children.

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NF says December 24, 2017

Female 38 years: TSH 2.22, FT4 1.2, FT3 2.5, SHBG 24.75…is my SHBG considered low?

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says January 1, 2018

    Yes, that is a low SHBG. It is probably low from your thyroid being low (your free T3 should be around 4). I don’t know your estrogen or testosterone levels, so they could be affecting it as well.

Rachael Kurtz says February 2, 2018

I’m taking daily oral contraception. My recent blood work came back as FSH 0.4, LH 0.2, Testosterone 1.6 and SHBG 438. Is this consistent for someone on the pill?

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says February 3, 2018

    Hi Rachael. Yes, birth control bills will make the SHBG level go sky high. That can in effect lower your testosterone.

candice says February 21, 2018

My SHBG results were high at 167.2 and my Free Testosterone is just on the boarder of being low at .4, however, my Free T4 is borderline low at 1.0. My doctor gave me a RX of Armour Thyroid 30mg and I have felt soooo much better. The weird thing is Ive read if you have low SHBG that usually means your thyroid is low and high doesn’t. I have more of they symptoms for low SHBG than high. My T3 is 2.8, my Estradiol is 69.1 and my Progesterone is 10.13. I’m a 34 year old female and I know increasing my thyroid is for sure helping but I feel like I need to decrease my SHBG. Sorta stumped.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says February 24, 2018

    Hi Candice. If you are on any kind of hormone replacement therapy with estrogen, if will raise your SHBG levels. In fact, it makes checking your SHBG level of no use if you are taking an estrogen of some sort. Smoking will also raise it.

      Candice says February 24, 2018

      No, I’m not on any hormone replacement or I have never smoked. My doctor has me now on a natural thyroid which has helped me tremendously and just put me on something to help my estradiol go up since my free testosterone was low. Sorta opposite when your SHBG is high usually you have to much thyroid I believe but for me I was very low and have been feeling so much better since on a natural thyroid medicine.

Brittany says February 27, 2018

I’m a 28 yr old female with SHBG in 200s. On day 21 of cycle: Progesterone = 8.7 Estradiol= 138 Test= 26 Free Test = 1.1. This is after I started compounded testosterone cream, DIM, Boron, and a lot of liver flushing/cleansing. What else can I do to lower it? I deal with cellulite and very low muscle tone.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says February 27, 2018

    Hi Brittany. I would consider evaluating your stress and improving your stress management. You may want to get some adrenal testing done such as the DUTCH test or even salivary cortisol levels to get an idea of what your cortisol is running throughout the day. I assume you don’t smoke and aren’t on some type of birth control pill. Both of those will make the SHBG go very high.

      Brittany says February 27, 2018

      Thanks Dr. Whelchel. I have Lyme and CIRS (mold toxicity). Well I’ve been out of mold for over two years now and have done extensive Lyme work and detox such as PK protocol and more. Liver used to be fatty from all of the mycotoxins found in my urine but have reversed that with intensive liver programs. Is it safe to say this could be from my liver? Also should I try compounded progesterone cream? Seems that if my adrenals are stressed there’s probably some progesterone steal happening.

        Dr. Jeff Whelchel says March 11, 2018

        Anything that is increasing the inflammation in your body could be affecting your SHBG. I think you are on the right track. You may want to discuss it further with your doctor.

Kt says March 26, 2018

Hi, I am currently taking aldactone 100mg for acne. I am wanting to stop the medication and have noticed horrible side effects such as facial hair. I was not dx with pcos. I had lab work per my gyn and I know
My shbg is low. She says she cannot help me. What about my other tests. What can I do to help with my problem. I cannot see the internist or endo until August since I am a new patient 🙁 33 year old 140lb, no health history.
Testosterone -12, shbg-28, free test 2.2, dheas 205, progesterone <0.10, hydroxylrogesterkne 22.60, androstenedione 0.609, tsh 2.56, estradiol 61, fab 5.8,/lo 3.2, prolactin 20.8( drawn on day 7 cycle)

3 months prior
Tsh 4.1853 and t4 0.95

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says April 8, 2018

    Low SHBG is usually caused by either low estrogen or low thyroid. In your case, estradiol does seem to be a little bit low. However, you also need a complete thyroid panel to better assess your thyroid function. That would include a free T3, reverse T3, and thyroid antibodies.

    If you are suffering from acne and facial hair, I would be suspect that you have PCOS.

Debbie Beesley says April 19, 2018

hello. I really appreciate your writing on SHBG. I just got tested & I have high SHBG, it is 109. But I have not yet had follow up w/my doctor, next week. Still I am wondering what could be cause of this high SHBG and have read about it I am post menopausal, age 64. About 8 years ago I purposely lost 100+ lb & have maintained it since then with exercise & careful eating. What does SHBG have to do with weight loss/insulin ? I eat well & am active. I swim or walk daily. I am thinking perhaps this high SHBG has to do with cortisol. I don’t know so I am asking your thoughts. I have also lost almost all my hair in past 4 years. It was long now it is very short. Any insight or thoughts appreciated: Here are test results numbers:
Testost SerPl-mCnc 56 ng/dL 2-45 High
Testost Free SerPl-mCnc 2.4 pg/mL 0.2-5.0 Normal
Testost Bioavail SerPl-mCnc 4.7 ng/dL 0.5-8.5 Normal
SHBG SerPl-sCnc 109 nmol/L 14-73 High
Glucose SerPl-mCnc 84 mg/dL 65-99 Normal
BUN SerPl-mCnc 25 mg/dL 7-25 Normal
TSH SerPl-aCnc 2.64 mIU/L 0.40-4.50 Normal

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says April 22, 2018

    Hi Debbie. I don’t have near enough information to know what is actually causing your elevated SHBG. Extreme weight loss could be the culprit. I don’t know if you are on any type of hormone replacement therapy, but that could do it. If you smoke that could also do it. If you have a lot of stress, that can also raise the SHBG level.

    The first thing I recommend is getting your estradiol and progresterone levels checked. If you ratio of estradiol to progesterone is > 10:1, you have estrogen dominance as the cause. You also need a complete thyroid panel, not just a TSH. You can learn more about that in several of the articles on my website.

    Hair loss can also be a sign of stress, low thyroid, sex hormone imbalance, or low ferritin. You need a much more complete evaluation.

    I hope this helps. Good luck.

      Debbie Beesley says April 23, 2018

      I really appreciate you taking the time to answer. Doctors like you, as you know, are rare. . I did get Ferritin test, thats normal. I’m not in HRT, no smoking, and i like the idea of thyroid testing further T3 or T4, ? right?

        Dr. Jeff Whelchel says April 24, 2018

        Yes, you need a free T4, free T3, reverse T3, TPO antibodies and thyroglobulin antibodies.

Mindy says April 23, 2018

Hey! Thank you for the great read! I am now even more confused if and what is going on with my body. I got my lab tests back and I’m not sure how i feel about them. Tsh 0.64 ft4 0.92 ft3 3.4 pg/ml. Never had any antibodies and i eat nature throid. My cortisol from blood is 446 nmol/l. Estradiol is 0.65 nmol/l (right before periods), Free testosterone is 11 pmol/l, shbg is 46nmol/l. I dont know what to make out from these. I dont have birthcontrol pills anymore. I quit them about 2 years ago. I have really low libido the past 4 years and i used to be really fine with that before. It’s a strain for the marriage and I’m only turning 30. Thanks for your help! 🙂

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says April 26, 2018

    Hi Mindy. Based on the results you shared, you may want to ask your doctor to check your progesterone and free testosterone levels. Your thyroid levels may be slightly low as well.

Anna says May 4, 2018

My TSH was 8, free T3 and free T4 both low-normal. Have not yet started thyroid replacement hormone, but SHBG 140 and free testosterone is 61.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 5, 2018

    Hi Anna. That is an extremely high level for a free testosterone. Are you sure you don’t mean total testosterone? Your thyroid are definitely low. You should also ask to get your estradiol and progesterone levels checked.

Ms. B says May 22, 2018

Hello Dr. Whelchel,
I am an 46 yr. old female with concerns around my numbers.
Total Testosterone 28.0; Free Testosterone 1.9; SHBG 121.5 as I understand it my SHBG is considered low, is this correct?.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 23, 2018

    Hello. Actually, that SHGB level is high, not low. Any level above 80 is considered high. As the article explains, that high of an SHBG level is usually due to smoking, oral birth control pills, hyperthyroidism, or extreme weight loss. Without seeing your other lab results and not knowing your medical history, it is impossible for me to know why. I would get with your doctor to help you determine the cause in your particular situation. Take care.

Sarah says May 26, 2018

Hello! First, I would like to say that I appreciate how you respond to comments on this page. I recently got blood work done, and was wondering if my numbers seemed off to you, or if anything jumped out. These were my initial thoughts, but I am not a doctor.

TSH .99
T4 1.00
I thought maybe this might be weird- isn’t a low TSH usually indicative of higher T4 levels?

SHBG 39 Does this strike you as particularly low?

Fasting glucose 95
Insulin 5.6 (normal) Seemed weird to me that my fasting glucose was pretty high but insulin results don’t point to insulin resistance.

Prolactin 22.5 Not sure if this is a high number or not. I am not pregnant.

a.m. Cortisol levels were flagged as high, at 24.7 mcg/dL

Testosterone free 2.8
Testosterone bioavailable 5.5

I have noticed some abnormal, thick black body hair. I think PCOS was thrown around several times, but no diagnosis yet.

Just wondering your thoughts! Thank you

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says June 3, 2018

    Hello Sarah. Looking at the results you sent me, it is hard to form an opinion. You need a complete thyroid panel, including thyroid antibodies, reverse T3, and free T3. Your SHBG is lower than ideal (should be 60-80).

    Any fasting insulin > 5 is considered high. Your glucose and insulin were both slightly higher than optimal, which points to some early insulin resistance.

    Your cortisol level is also high. I am assuming that you are under a lot of stress. If not, that should be investigated further.

    I would sit down with your doctor so that he or she can investigate your situation more closely, including your menstrual cycle and other symptoms that you might not have related to your hormones.

    Good luck!

BB says July 9, 2018

Hi Dr. Jeff – thanks for reading. My dr. keeps telling me that my levels are normal but I’m still having symptoms. I’m female 33 yrs old experiencing light facial hair, hair on upper arms where I never had it before, lower back, stomach and chest area – it’s not thick or coarse but definitely visable. The texture of my hair is thinner and straight whereas it used to be very glossy and thick with lots of body. It’s stringy now and i have a lot less of it, but no bald spots.
Testosterone Total LCMSMS – 18 NG/dL;Testosterone Free 3.1pg/ML;Testosterone Bio 6.5ng/dL;SHBGnmol/L;Albumin4.6g/DL
DHEA Sulfate-181 mcg/dL
TSH T4- 1.10mIU/L
Thyroid Peroxidase AB<1iu/ml
Prolactin 11.2 ng/mL

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says July 25, 2018

    Hi Bianca. You listed some of your results but not all. You need to get a SHBG level, free T3, thyroglobulin ab, reverse T3, TSH level, and estradiol. I would suggest you find a doctor that is comfortable with managing these results and possibly PCOS (beyond just giving metformin). You need to sit down, discuss your symptoms, and develop a game plan. Good luck!

kevin says July 17, 2018

Hi Dr Jeff, appreciate your responses to all comments here and great read by the way!

I am a 35 year old male, 69kg, 168cm, relatively fit and healthy individual.
SHBG (74.8nmol/L)
Total testosterone (29.1nmol/L)
Free testosterone (0.366nmol/L)

My concern is that my libido/sexual desire for the last 20+ years (since puberty) has remained steady/high. Around November/December 2017 i noticed my sex drive/interest had dropped, EQ also dropped..dismissed this and assumed it was all in my head.

In Jan 2018 my optician carried out an OCT scan on my right eye and diagnosed it with macular edema (fluid build up the back of my retina) The only advice i was given was to improve my diet, give it time and avoid using anabolic steroids (questioned if i was) and eventually my condition would improve…… I’ve never taken steroids in my life and i wouldnt know where to start so naturally was confused with this response…. Fast forward 7 months and my eye has fully healed, but my sex drive and libido still seems to be very low!

Can you shed some light as to why i would have high SHBG and high/within range total test and free test? would this be a cause for concern/low libido,

greatly appreciate your help/advice!

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says July 25, 2018

    Hi Kevin. Sorry you are having some troubles.

    Your total testosterone is indeed pretty good. Your free testosterone could stand to be a little higher. You might try taking some DIM 300mg daily which will help increase it.
    Otherwise I would suggest you get a complete hormone evaluation. This would include estradiol, complete thyroid panel, insulin and leptin. These can also affect libido, as can stress from work, in the marriage, etc. Good luck!

Diane says August 3, 2018

Hi Dr. Jeff,
Here are my hormone luteal phase salivary results:
Estradiol 11.3
Estriol <70
Testosterone <30
Progesterone 1280
P/e2 ratio 113
Salivary cortisol 7-9 am .456
11-1 .056
3-5 pm .078
10-12 am .021
Thyroid levels:
Tpo antibodies 0.6
Thyroxine bind 19
T3free 3.6
Free t4 1.09
Tsh. .82
T3reverse 21

What do you see? Biggest concerns? I have two nodules which measure 2.5+.
I am positive for ebv and Lyme.
Thanks for your expertise in these areas. Diane

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says August 16, 2018

    Diane, I have very little experience with interpreting salivary hormone results. I only use serum results. I would suggest you sit down with the doctor that ordered the test to get more information and answers. Good luck.

Anne Bushell says August 8, 2018

Age 59 6 mos
SHBG 125.4
Free Testosterone (direct) 0.3
Testerone serum 19
Albumin 4.3

I eat healthy, exercise and do intermittent fasting
BMI is 26

I do have a hard time losing weight
I’m not stressed out (most of the time) and I take adaptogens daily.
Dr. Is checking hormones because of low libido.

What are your thoughts?

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says August 16, 2018

    Hi Anne. You need a complete thyroid workup. I would also want to know if you are on some type of birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy. Both can increase the SHBG substantially. You also need your liver assessed. Other causes of a high SHBG include smoking and some seizure medications.

    Needless to say, all of this needs to be evaluated by your doctor. Good luck!

Kim says September 7, 2018

My T4 is 1.93, what dr Co spiders “slightly elevated”. I have been experiencing higher BP, palpitations and anxiety which all began with an ER visit due to gabapentin interaction (very high BP) with vitamins & supplements. Dr drew blood today to test hormones & cortisol levels & said will check SHBT based on what those tests show. Have bee on 10 mg propranolol for 4 weeks. BP is down some but still lots of palpitations, which leads to anxiety. Have Xanax for the really bad times but feel I need answer that are too slow coming to underlying problems. Have lost weight and feel yucky. What are your suggestions?

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says September 9, 2018

    Hi Kim. So sorry to hear about your troubles. I would definitely wait to get the lab results from your doctor. I would in particular rule out heart issues completely before overly focusing on your hormones. I think you should wear a heart monitor for a few days to see if you can identify what type of rhythm issue is causing your palpitations. Good luck!

Paul says September 30, 2018

Hi, Dr. Whelchel.

I am a 46 old male, 180 lbs, 6 feet and 1 inch, relatively fit and healthy individual.

SHBG: 67.7 nmol/L
Total Testosterone: 533.3 ng/dL
Free Testosterone: 66.67 pg/mL
Albumin: 4.6 g/dL
Estradiol: 39.9 pg/mL
Prolactin: 6.5 ng/mL
FSH: 4.3 mIU/mL
LH: 2.5 mIU/mL

In the past two years I have experienced a drop in my libido (that worsened in the past 9 months). Besides, I began to feel tired quite often (lack of energy).

The first doctor I went to told me that it was probably due to stress (from emotional/psychological reasons). I considered the possibility, after all, I have been subject to a certain amount of stress in the past years (mostly due to family issues).

The second one (an endocrinologist) asked for the exams whose results are in the beginning of this message and due to my age she suggested that I should try taking Tribulus Terrestris for one month and see how I would feel.

After a few days taking TT (280 mg once a day) I began feeling better and some of my previous libido returned, but after one month I did a second exam and my numbers doesn’t seem to have improved very much (and some worsened).

SHBG: 71.8 nmol/L
Total Testosterone: 586.9 ng/dL
Free Testosterone: 71.57 pg/mL
Albumin: 4.5 g/dL
Estradiol: 47.0 pg/mL

Since then I stopped taking TT and up to this time I could not set another appointment with her.

Some people have told me that I should think about hormone therapy. Do you believe I should consider any other kind of exam besides these I already did?

Thank you very much for all the information on this page.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says October 6, 2018

    Hi Paul. Your labs are not horrible, but you still might consider testosterone therapy. You could either get injections or pellet therapy. Your symptoms might improve if you could get your testosterone level up over 900.

      OC says December 12, 2018

      I am a female aged 24yo, 82kg, 168cm.
      I was on Spironolactone for about 4months for acne, stopped it due to gynamastia.
      a random blood test spotted I have high prolactin levels. my most recent blood test showed it was

      Prolactin 822 mu/L
      SHBG serum level 28.2 nmol/L
      Testosterone 1.8 nmol/L
      Free Androgen 6.4
      Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody 47 Iu/ml

      What does all this mean?
      Below are more results.
      General Haematology

      Haemoglobin 127 gram/L
      White Blood Count 4.78 x10^9/L
      Platelet Count 231 x10^9/L
      Haematocrit 0.384
      Red Blood Count 4.03 X10^12/L
      Mean Cell Volume 95.3 fL
      Red Blood Cell Distribution Width 11.9 %
      Mean Cell Haemoglobin 31.5 pg
      Mean Cell Haemoglobin Concentration 331 gram/L
      Neutrophil Count 2.35 x10^9/L
      Lymphocyte Count 1.97 x10^9/L
      Monocyte Count 0.43 x10^9/L
      Eosinophil Count 0.02 x10^9/L
      Basophil Count 0.01 x10^9/L
      Nucleated Red Blood Cell Count 0.00 x10^9/L
      Nucleated Red Blood Cell Count /100 wbc 0.0 %

      General Biochemistry

      Sodium 140 mmol/L
      Potassium 3.7 mmol/L
      Urea Serum 3.6 mmol/L
      CREATININE 68 mcmol/L
      estimated GFR * >90 mL/minu
      Alkaline Phosphatase 40 unit/L
      Albumin Serum 50 gram/L
      Calcium 2.37 mmol/L
      Adjusted Calcium Serum 2.33 mmol/L
      Inorganic Phosphate Blood 1.17 mmol/L
      Osmolality 286


      Free T4 Plasma 14.1 pmol
      Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Serum 2.00 munit/L
      Cortisol * 201 nmol/L
      Follicle Stimulating Hormone Serum * 3.0 unit/L
      Luteinising Hormone Serum * 8.6 unit/L
      Prolactin Serum H 822 munit/L
      Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Serum L 28.2 nmol/L
      Testosterone Serum H 1.8 nmol/L, H
      Free Androgen Index H 6.4
      Vitamin D Serum * 94 nmol/L

        Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 11, 2019

        Hello. A high prolactin level can indicate a pituitary issue. You really need to sit down with your physician and discuss workup and treatment options. Don’t stop until you have a definitve answer.

Nikki says October 13, 2018

Hi Dr Jeff,
I got these blood results back. They were done day 7 of my cycle. The reason I requested a hormone and cortisol profile is because I have gained weight, 3 kilos over 9 weeks keeping calories under 1495, walking every day and weight training x 3 a week. I thought I might have been peri menopausal but they say I’m not. My iron was low prior to this but has come back up from supplementing.
TSH 1.29 on 22/5 (no breakdown of t3 and t4), 1.71 on 1/10.
FSH 4 u/l
LH 3 U/L
Oestrdiol 580
Progesterone <1
Prolactin 110 my/L
Cortisol 08:50 AM 210 nmol
Testosterone 0.6 nmol/L
SHBG 111
Free testosterone 4

Not on any contraceptives, or any other medicines. I have suffered anxiety and depression spasmodically over my life but never medicated. Have had Night eating syndrome for over 20 years. No cure.
Been asked to retest bloods in four weeks. No request for full thyroid breakdown though. What are your thoughts please? Oh and I’ve recently been diagnosed with adenomyosis.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 11, 2019

    Hi Nikki. You definitely need a more complete thyroid evaluation and other hormones tested. By the way, peri-menopause is more of a clinical diagnosis than a lab diagnosis. In my experience, women can have definite hormone-related symptoms long before their lab values become abnormal.

Nikki says October 25, 2018

Can you please help me heal myself. I followed keto for 9 weeks and while my pms and night eating syndrome got better I gained 3 kilos despite keeping total calories under 1495, weight training twice a week and walking five times a week. I’m tired all the time, so I got my hormones tested.
Here are my results at day 7 of my cycle:
FSH 4 u/l
LH 3 /L
Oestradiol 580 pmol/l
Progesterone <1
Prolactin 110 mu/l
My iron went from 24 to 54 from supplementing
Cortisol AM borderline low at 210 nmol
Testosterone 0.6 nmol/l
SHBG 111 nmol/l
Free testosterone 4 Pmol/l
TSH 1.71 mu/l
I just want to be able to lose 8 kilos and feel less emotional and anxious. How do I get myself in balance

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 11, 2019

    Hi Nikki. Sorry for my late reply.

    You have a very complicated case, more than should be responded to on a blog comment section. You really need to find a physician near you who is comfortable with hormone management. There is not a quick or easy answer. You also need your insulin, adrenal, and leptin levels evaluated. Best of luck to you.

April says November 18, 2018

I am a 38 year old female experiencing anxiety, fatigue, lower sex drive, hair loss and lack of muscle development even though I am lifting weights and consuming enough protein.
My labs are
Test, serum 34 ng/dl
Free testosterone. 7 pg/ml
T4 Free 1.1 ng/dl
Dhea-sulfate 94.5 ug/DL
TSH 3.19 uIU/mL
T4 6.5 ug/dL
Shbg. 144. Nmol

I am waiting to be referred to see someone but would greatly appreciate any help. Please advise.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 11, 2019

    Hi April. I’m sorry you are feeling bad.

    You need a complete thyroid panel, including thyroid antibodies, free T3, and reverse T3. You also need adrenal testing. Your lab picture is incomplete.

    I would suggest contacting your pharmacy and asking the pharmacist what physicians in your area prescribe NDT and T3 thyroid medication. They will most likely be best equipped at helping you balance your hormones.

    Best of luck!

AG says December 29, 2018

Thank you for this article. Most doctors are not familiar with addressing imbalanced SHBG. My SHBG is 126-high (discovered because I finally asked to have it tested after hormone supplementation made hormone imbalances worse). I have very elevated late eve – early morning cortisol, very low free E2 (although high total E2), low Pg, and very low free T. My thyroid is “normal” and I am not on oral contraceptives. Taking Pg/ E/ T hormone supplements to address low free hormones has not helped. Most attempts at reducing high cortisol (thought to be cause of other imbalances) have not helped. Any suggestions?

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 11, 2019

    Hi Angela. Sounds like your adrenal issues need to be further addressed. Taking adaptogens and phosphatidylserine may help in some situations, but you need more of a workup.

Vanessa says January 1, 2019

My SHBG is 336. Doc has no clue why or how to fix it.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 11, 2019

    Hi Vanessa. Sounds like you need a different doctor that is familiar with hormone management.

Simon says January 13, 2019


My wife has had 3 consecutive miscarriages.

After looking at her medical history she has raised SHBG 201. And TSH 1.5 mu/L – serum testosterone 1.9 nmol/L.

From her history her free testosterone appears raised and SHBG raised which doesn’t normally happen?

Should more thyroid tests be done? She is a fitness instructor so maintains a good healthy weight, but she can gain weight very easily. Could her job affect her results?

Thank you for any help you can give.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 11, 2019

    Hi Simon. Sounds like your wife definitely needs further medical workup. That would include homocysteine, B12, complete thyroid panel, and other hormone tests. TSH is simply not enough to evaluate her thyroid function. Best of luck.

MTS says March 12, 2019

Hi! So my periods were a little irregular and my gynaecologist wanted me to get my Prolactin levels tested.
So I got my hormones tested and FSH,LH,TSH, testosterone were all normal. My prolactin was 567 mU/L(the higher reference point being 500) so my doctor has requested I get tested again. And my Shgb is 10 nmol/l so it is low. Can you explain the reason why and what effect it has? I had an ultrasound done this January and my everything was normal (no cysts)

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 11, 2019

    Hello. I think you need more of a workup that you have received, including a complete thyroid panel – TSH, free T4, free T3, reverse T3, TPO antibodies, thyroglobulin antibodies.

Susan Ferrovecchio says May 2, 2019

Hello, Age 44, reg menses, workout…cant loose anymore fat etc, SBHG 55nmol/l, Free t4 1.07, Free t3 3.4, TSH 1.3, total testosterone 22, Progesterone 19, estrogen 68 all on day 21 of cycle. Recommendations?

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 11, 2019

    Hi Susan. I’m sorry you are having struggles. I would suggest meeting with a physician to discuss options and further workup. You most likely need some intense dietary instruction as well as checking your insulin and leptin levels.

Daniel graham says January 30, 2020

Male 35 years old at time of test
Tests were taken at 6:00pm
Shbg 64
free testosterone free by Ed 102
Free testosterone total by lc/ms 927
F3rd generation tsh 2.010
Facth 17
Fadh <1.0 low told it was false pos
FCortisol 13.8
Festridol 36.8
Ffsh 9.7
Fgroth hormone 1.2
FLh 8.3

A couple weeks after the test I suffered from testicular torsion Over 24 hours and testicular atrophy for 3 months
Perineal, scrotal, penile raphe melanosis post torsion midline on scrotum and right side of penile rathe. Posterior pituitary rathke’s cleft cyst 5mm was told my pituitary is fine. No alcohol 4 months before test. Multiple symptoms. No gynecomastia just pseudo gynecomastia.
I couldn’t sleep for more than 4 hours a night for 3 to 4 months
Hot cold sweats
Outer eyebrows fell out in my hand
Panic attacks
Unexplained emotional breakdowns for over a month
All symptoms subsided just before seeing the endocrinologist and I was left a babbling fool. I self corrected my testicular torsion because my primary never checked me over. Torsion is reoccurring and no one will listen to me. I see a urologist March 2nd. Hopefully he will agree to Scrotal biopsy
I had other pituitary protocol labs taken since and all labs are normal. Now I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD, ocd, and can’t seem to get treatment. They blame my stress. I was not this stressed before symptoms started. I was not checked for cushings because I don’t look like I have cushings. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says February 10, 2020

    I’m sorry for your troubles, Daniel. I agree strongly with seeing the urologist.

    Regarding your hormone levels, they overall look pretty good. Nothing jumps out to explain everything. I would strongly suggest finding a functional medicine doctor in your area. Best of luck.

Natalie says February 6, 2020

Hello Dr Jeff
I have found the information you have provided here very interesting. You have stated that low SHBG levels are usually related to underactive thyroid. I was hoping you would be able to advise me on my recent results? I do suffer from hypothyroidism and currently take levothyroxine for the condition. However I am having trouble with an absent menstrual cycle and don’t know why.
My serum results are:
Shbg = 35 nmol/L
Free androgen index = 3.7
Prolactin = 286 mu/L
Oestradiol = 556 pmol/L
FSH = 5.7 u/L
LH = 6.9 u/L
TSH = 0.249 mu/l
Testosterone = 1.3 nmol/L
I am 37, do not take any other medication and I do not drink or smoke.
I would appreciate any help / advice you can offer me.
Thanks you in advance.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says February 10, 2020

    You need a complete thyroid panel – TSH, free T4, free T3, reverse T3, TPO ab and thyroglobulin ab. With the labs you have listed, we cannot fully evaluate your thyroid levels.

Cynthia Lujan says May 7, 2020

Hi Dr. you are the first person who I have found to post on this topic. I did two rounds of estrogen and testosterone pellet therapy which shot my testosterone sky high. And my SHBG. I now have internal tremors, wide awake insomnia, extreme fatigue and numbing and tingling in my extremities with rotating anxiety and depression.

TSH is 1.330
Free T4 is 1.13
Testosterone serum is 97 )it’s come WAY down from 240)
And SHBG is 17.8

I really caused an uproar by trying the pellets for energy and a rose in libido and all heck broke loose.

What can I Possibly do to reverse this? What an ordeal. Thank you ahead for your insight.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 10, 2020

    Hi Cynthia. I’m sorry you are having so much trouble. You really need to get a complete thyroid workup including thyroid antibodies, free T3 and reverse T3. Your symptoms sound suspicious of a thyroid problem. Good luck!

Robert says September 16, 2020

Hi Dr. Jeff Whelchel,

You mentioned that the optimal range for SHBG is 60-80 nmol/L. However, the graph says it differs depending on the age. Could you pls explain?
Also is this 60-80 optimal for males or females. could you pls clarify this for us?

I am 31 years old male and my SHBG is around 92.2 nmol/l. Other parameters:
Testosterone 26.6. nmol/l
Free testo 0.276 nmol/l
TSH 2.27 mIU/l
T4 87.1 nmol/l
T3 1.38 nmol/l
T4 free 14.15 pmol/l
T3 free 4.78 pmol/l
Anti TG 3.3
Anti TPO >16.25

The issue I have is low libido. Could you pls let me what you think based on the results?
Based on the graph, should not my SHBG be below 50 nmol/l?

thanks so much

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says April 11, 2021

    Hi Robert. There is other testing that should be done on you such as DHEAs and estradiol. Make an appointment with your doctor.

Alisa l White says December 18, 2020

Greetings Dr. Whelchel,
Thank you for your great, informative article. If you have the time, I greatly appreciate your feedback or any suggestions you may have. I have a high SHBG of 144. My thyroid tests are normal. Five days ago, I was put on a progestin pill, Aygestin to help with my abnormal periods, and “possibly” endometriosis. Will Aygestin increase my SHBG levels even more? Do I need testosterone pellets to balance my hormones? Or, should I stop taking Aygestin? Is it possible to balance hormones without birth control pills. I’m 47 years old, and want to prevent a hysterectomy. TIA. Have a great day! Happy holidays!!

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says April 11, 2021

    Hi Alisa. Sorry you are having issues. Oral contraceptives commonly increase SHBG levels. You need to have a sit down with you doctor and discuss all treatment options. If they don’t know what to do about elevated SHBG levels, you may need to get a second opinion.

Paul Chastain says March 1, 2021

Hello I’m a 77 year old Male. Is normal for me ?

Testost SerPl-mCnc 2.8459 ng/mL

Thank you, Paul

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says April 11, 2021

    I am not familiar with that particular test. I would request a total testosterone and free testosterone level.

Janet says March 5, 2021

I am 51. I am peri menopausal and currently not on and hormone therapy. I’ve recently had my labs done and not sure what and how I should address fixing them.
Testosterone 9
Free testosterone 1.0
FSH 14.8
Progesterone <0.5
Estradiol 19
T4 1.0
T3 2.9
TSH .86

Any insight would be helpful.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says April 11, 2021

    Hi Janet. I would suggest going to and click on “Find a Provider.” I think they could help you feel much better.

Dr. Jeff Whelchel says April 11, 2021

Hi Peter. I am not allowed to diagnose or give specific advice. I would just focus on your free T3 and check your reverse T3. Good luck.

carol keel says July 22, 2021

I have lost half my hair in last 3 months.
My ferritin level is 16. Could this be causing hair loss?

Free T3 2.8
T4 7.9
TSH 1.9 was put on 30mg of NP thyroid to optimize thyroid. Could this be causing hair loss?

Testosterone 284
free T 17.7
Estradiol 91.1 on hormone pellets. 125mg testosterone and 12mg estrogen which will have been in 3 months August 2nd.
Started taking 100mg progesterone last week along with 100mg spironolactone but no effect on hair loss so far.
Told to up progesterone to 200mg this week but my pellets will have been in 3 months soon so will have no estrogen or testosterone?
I’m scared I am going to have no hair soon. Please respond.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says July 25, 2021

    Hi Carol. From what you have shared, your hair loss could be from several things. A low ferritin can definitely cause hair loss. Your testosterone is higher than optimal. I would try to get it 100-200. Also, your thyroid is way too low. You should shoot for a free T3 in the 3.7 or higher range. Of note, hair loss can temporarily occur when you first start a T3 medication, but it usually levels out in a coupe of months. Best of luck.

Laura says January 4, 2022

Hello doctor, I would love your advice. I have seen many doctors and no one can help me. They all say I’m healthy but I am very ill. My FSH is 7.4, LH 11.5, DHEA 322, insulin 6, estradiol 25.2, TT 36, free t 4.5, SHBG 36. Could hypothyroidism be the culprit for my horrible sickness, hot flashes, anxiety, missed periods etc. I got off BC in June. It was destroying my gut. Now I can’t ovulate and no one seems to know why. Also having menopausal symptoms but my doctors say I don’t have menopause? I’m 30 and weigh 125, 5 foot 6. Life is so hard right now. Don’t want to get back on BC. Also got EBV possibly from hormonal meltdown? It hasn’t subsided in six months much especially week before missed period and missed period. I’m a mess!

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says February 11, 2022

    Sorry you are feeling bad. I think you need a more extensive workup. That would include a complete thyroid panel (TSH, free T4, free T3, reverse T3, TPO antibodies and thyroglobulin antibodies). I would also get a morning cortisol, progesterone, CBC, CMP, and some others. Yes, your symptoms could be caused by a thyroid issue, EBV, or a multitude of other things. Best of luck.

Kim McDonald says March 13, 2022

Hi. My SHBG level is 138. I have just gone through menopause and am also doing an elimination diet because of some ongoing digestive issues and this has caused me to rapidly lose weight (probably almost 10 pounds in a few weeks!) because i am almost fasting imo. Also, I am taking Chinese herbs to increase my estrogen and progesterone levels and wonder if that could affect this test reading. Lastly, my free T3 is 2.8 and free T4 1.2. I am quite sure that I have had adrenal fatigue for many years as I have been under a lot of stress, and drink caffeine. Any thoughts? I see my doc in a couple weeks to go over results.

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 10, 2022

    Sounds to me that you meet diagnostic criteria for hypothyroidism simply based off of your low free T3. Low calorie diets can definitely affect SHBG and free T3 levels, so get those rechecked when you are eating your normal diet. It is also worth at least checking a morning cortisol level.

Brent Murphy says April 18, 2022

Hello Doctor,

I’m a 31-year-old male that’s been dealing with symptoms of fatigue, depression, erectile dysfunction, along with a few other symptoms. The poor mood, depression, lack of energy, and inability to concentrate are making my life extremely difficult I recently received some hormone blood tests and am curious about what the results mean. I believe I may need to start Testosterone Replacement Therapy. I’ve listed my results below:

Albumin: 5.0 g/dl
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 65.1 nmol/L (high)
Total Testosterone: 230 ng/dl (low)
Free Testosterone: 21 pg/ml (low)
Bioavailable Testosterone: 48 ng/dl (low)
TSH: 5.76 mIU/L (high)
Total iron, Iron binding capacity, Iron Saturation, Total Cortisol, and Free T4: Normal range

Do you believe I’m a good candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Thanks for your time.


    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 10, 2022

    You are definitely low in testosterone and likely hypothyroid as well. Both hormone issues will need to be addressed. Best of luck!

Stacy says April 25, 2022

Hi Dr. Whelchel, this article was really helpful. I haven’t had mine tested yet, but I came across your article because I suspect my SHBG may be elevated and I plan to have it tested. I quit hormonal contraceptives five years ago for many reasons, but my sex drive has still not returned whatsoever. It completely killed the spark in me. I’ve been reading that the pill can permanently alter the liver and it’s production of SHBG, do you know anything about that or have any suggestions for lowering SHBG long after quitting the pill? Any other tests you suggest I request from my doctor? Thanks a bunch!

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says May 10, 2022

    There are several liver detox and liver support supplements on the market that could be helpful. Sounds to me like you need your sex hormones and thyroid hormones levels closely evaluated. Best of luck.

mike a. says September 28, 2022

66 year old male, free testosterone 73pg/mL, SHBG 83nm0l/L , Free Testosterone% 1.0L, Total testosterone 700ng/dl. Quite confused since the SHBG is high, Free % is low and Dr. says everything is OK. Any thoughts?

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says January 5, 2023

    Your total testosterone is pretty good. You might consider taking DIM 300mg daily to raise your free testosterone level. You should also check your estradiol to make sure you are not aromatizing.

kat czerwinska says October 19, 2022

Dear Dr,
I’m 40 year old female my SHBG level, blood 21 nmol/L
Testosterone level, blood 0.6 nmol/L
Free androgen index level, blood 2.9 %
Thyroid stimulating hormone level, blood 2.37 mIU/L
FSH level, blood 5.9 IU/L
One miscarriage and no pregnancy 3 years since.

Can you please advise?


    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says January 5, 2023

    If you are still wanting to conceive a child, I would definitely consult with a reproductive specialist.

anie adh says January 10, 2023

Female 28
Serum sex hormone binding globulin level 12 nmol/L [20.0 – 155.0] Is it low what to do to improve?

Annelies says January 13, 2023

Dear Docter Welchel

I just got my SHBG level today which is 164nmol/l an so quite high . I started HST therapy (femoston 2/10 ) a month ago , so I guess the estradiol is too high (134ng/i end my free testosteron is only 0,1 ng/dl . Should I stop HST trealment or go to another HST therapy to lower my SHBG level and increase testosteron ? What could be a good solution ?

Best regards

Jon says January 25, 2023

Hi Dr.,
Thanks so much for answering all these questions it’s very hard to find reputable sources on subjects like this.

My data
Testosterone 787
Free testosterone 10
Shbg 51

I believe my optimal shbg levels should be lower. Are there any effective supplements that can lower this number ? Also, I take dutasteride for hair loss. Would that effect shbg levels?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Heather Johnson says June 7, 2023

70yof with SHBG 151.6, TSH .997 (low normal), Free t4 1.32, Free t3 3.14. (normal) Normal cortisol. Has severe short term memory loss and major depression (recent placement in a.l.). Has gone from size 12to 2 in one year. Vit d -12. Intact pth 96.5, normal calcium, normal cr, gfr. Suspect Hyperthyroidism? See endocrinologist? Add Vit d supplementation. Could this all be from malnutrition? Estrogen and Testosterone not ordered.

Rhonda says July 13, 2023

62 YO female, FSH 78.5, Luteinlzing 27.3, Progesterone <0.5, Estradiol <15, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 96, Testosterone 17, Testosterone Free 1.2, TSH 0.35, Ferritin 67, T4 Free 1.2, T3 Free 2.8, Thyroglobulin Antibody <1, Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody <1. By the way I was born in Borger, Tx, lived in Stinette. Our family moved to Houston, Texas in 1966. I was five years old. I have relatives in Amarillo!

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says August 20, 2023

    Hi Rhonda. Great to hear from someone with links to my part of the world! Based on your lab work, you are clearly menopausal. You also appear to have some issues with T4 to T3 conversion. You might look at my article on that subject. You didn’t mention what symptoms you are having. Seeing someone in your area that offers Biote hormone pellet therapy is also a good option.

Sharon says September 13, 2023

Daughter 31
She has genetic snps homozygous for elevated SHBG
Also runs low Ferritin
Thyroid levels all normal range
No autoimmune
Very heavy periods
Some hair loss and acne
Dutch test twice
She seems to convert to the androgen path
First Dutch very low cortisol
Second one normal
She also has some Mito snps on genetics and organic acid test
We placed her on a mitochondria supplement and she has felt somewhat better
She moved to Santa Monica and has only been able to see a traditional GYN
In her late teens they tried her on low dose bcp for heavy bleeding
Made her irritable and acne
Because of low ferritin I told her to supplement low dose iron during her periods and eat iron rich foods
Also through studying her genes she has a snp for increased Von Willebrand antigen(clot more easily).
We tested that and her fibrinogen is high normal
She needs to find someone to guide her so she can lead a normal healthy life
Can you recommend someone ?

Shenaye Thorpe says September 14, 2023

Hi, I am a 24-year-old female and in my recent blood test results they have shown my hormone levels to be:
Progesterone – 0.6noml/L
Oestradiol – 21pmol/L
Testosterone – 1.3nmol/L
FSH – 0.3U/L
Luteinizing Hormone – <0.1
Prolactin – 124 mU/L
DHEA Sulphate -2.8 umol/L
SHBG – 721nmol/L
My Iron 37 umol/L and my Gamma GT 53U/L
When getting these bloods (31st July), I had just gotten off the pill (27th July). I still have not gotten my period back. Is it okay that my SHBG is that high? Is there something you would recommend to level my hormones out?

Toni says December 19, 2023

Female 47, tsh 1.55,ft3 2.5 ft4 1.2, shbg is 44. testosterone is 34,test free 1.5 dhea 7 estradiol is 107and progeterone is 140. no periods since hysto 8 yrs ago…. is mine normal?

Charlotte Brady says February 16, 2024

Hi, Dr. WelChel, I seem to be a little late here. It’s 2024 now and I am writing to you with an SHBG of 131. Too high if I use the range in Alaska (14-73) and not bad if I use the range for RI (13-125)! You recommend 60-80, so I need to decrease SHBG by decreasing estrogen. You mention above that we should check estrogen/progesterone levels in the middle of our cycles. I am post menopausal. How can I check estrogen dominance in this case? Is this the only way? 2 months ago, I stopped one estradiol patch 0.05 mg, leaving 0.1mg and still the 131 number is indicating too much estrogen. Surely, I don’t need to decrease it again.I need it for my bones.
Thank you.

Linda Heffley says March 15, 2024

My SHGB in August 2023 was 141.8 I’m 71 years old on March 12 this year.

Diane says June 7, 2024

What a fantastic site and fantastic Doctor, thank you so much for this terrific content! I’m 40 and actively fighting Lyme and probably mold. My sex binding hormone is very high and testosterone .5, very low. I haven’t had a period in eight weeks, so I’m not sure how to read my labs, but my female hormones show me in menopause, which seems way too early. My mom didn’t start until age 52. My thyroid has been off for years. I’m not on thyroid medicine or hormones. What are your thoughts, Doctor? Is it worth getting on Pregnenolone to help? My stress levels are very high.

Tara says July 27, 2024

Good Morning Dr Whelchel,
Thank you for your interesting and helpful article. I am 25. I have a SHBG reading of 19.5 nmol/L; T3 of 4.48pg/ml ; T4 of 1.22ng/dL; TSH of 0.906uIU/mL and Testostrone 1.37nmol/L. I do take Dienogest following prior endometriosis. I suffer from many of the hypothyrodism symptoms you list. Do you think this warrants further investigation? Could the Dienogest be a confounding factor in these readings?
Many thanks for your help.

CLEVLAND Morrison says December 7, 2024

I just received the result of a Testosterone Free, Profile I
It shows my testosterone levels are normal (575) but my SHBG levels are high (89.1). The medication used to raise my testorone (CLomid) did that successfully. However I still struggle with ED. Can out of balance SHBG level be the cause?

    Dr. Jeff Whelchel says December 9, 2024

    I have not seen SHBG to be a big player with ED. That is a function of estradiol and often vascular issues. I would suggest discussing with your PCP or seeing a urologist.

kim says January 24, 2025

so if my SHBG is elevated from HRT, what do I do about that? i can’t sleep without it?

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