Healthy Hormones

Tag Archives for " Hypothyroidism "

Hypothyroidism and Depression – Is There a Connection?

Is there a connection between hypothyroidism and depression?

Will taking thyroid medication reduce or even eliminate depression symptoms?

Do you still have depression even though you are on thyroid medication?

In this article, I will discuss the connection between hypothyroidism and depression, how thyroid medications can often help both conditions, and other causes of depression that you should consider...

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Is TSH Enough

Is a TSH Enough to Test Your Thyroid?

Most medical providers have been trained to only check the TSH when monitoring thyroid function.

But is the TSH enough to test your thyroid?  Is it enough to monitor whether you are on the right dose or right type of thyroid medication?

The answer is a definite "no" and I will explain why in this article...

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How to Use Liothyronine (T3) in Hypothyroidism

Liothyronine (T3) is the most potent thyroid hormone that you can take.

It is rarely prescribed by most doctors, which is unfortunate, because it can significantly improve your hypothyroid symptoms and overall quality of life.

The symptom improvements can include improved energy, weight loss, and even a reduction in depression.

Learn who could benefit from using liothyronine, how to use it safely, and lots more in this article...

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Treatment of Reverse T3 Dominance

Reverse T3 dominance could be the reason why you still have hypothyroid symptoms even though you are taking thyroid medication.

Or why you struggle to lose weight even when your thyroid labs are "normal."

Never heard of reverse T3 dominance?  Most people haven't, including most doctors.

High levels of reverse T3 could be slowing down your metabolism, reducing thyroid function at the cellular level, and causing multiple symptoms of hypothyroidism.

The purpose of this article is to inform you about reverse T3 - its purpose in the body, what causes it to get elevated, how to test for it, and how to reduce it back to optimal levels.

Let's get started...

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8 Common Causes of Thyroid Fatigue and How You Can Fix Them

Are you still fatigued even though you are taking your thyroid medication faithfully?


The fatigue found in thyroid disease can be because of many things.

Just taking your thyroid medication may not be enough to reverse these symptoms.

The many causes of thyroid fatigue include adrenal issues, autoimmune inflammation, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, dietary issues, and even taking the wrong thyroid medication.

I will discuss each of these possible sources of fatigue and show you how to correct them.

Let's get started...

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The Best Treatments for Hypothyroidism

Have you been diagnosed with hypothyroidism?

Have you been prescribed a medication?  If so, do you feel any better?

Are you wondering if there is a better treatment than what you are taking?

Are there any dietary changes or supplements that would help you feel better?

I will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

Here we go...

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Hypothyroidism – What Are the Symptoms and How to Diagnose It

Do you think you have a thyroid issue?

If you have found this blog, I suspect you are searching for answers.  You probably haven't felt good in years.

You ask friends for their opinions.  They each have their ideas, but no real solutions.

You might have read an article in a magazine, or on the internet, or maybe even on a Facebook post that discussed thyroid issues, and you thought "That is describing me exactly!"

You probably even went to see a doctor.  You told him or her your complaints, they took a quick history, performed a simple physical exam, and then ordered some lab tests.

You might have even left hopeful, thinking that maybe this would be the time that someone finally figured out what was going on in your body.

Your hope was soon dashed, however, when you received a call from the doctor's office telling you that all of your labs were "normal."

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