Healthy Hormones

Category Archives for Diet

Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

With the recent coronavirus pandemic, the public is more afraid for their health and well-being than I have ever seen.

It is all over the news and social media.  It seems impossible to get away from it.

Why do these pandemics keep occurring?  What is wrong?

While we really can't stop this virus or future organisms from spreading across the world, we CAN do more to get and keep our own immune system as healthy as possible.

I will discuss how to do this below...

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Keto Diet Pros and Cons

​Chances are you have heard about the Keto Diet ​​a lot from friends, coworkers, or family members.  It is also all over the news and social media.

​The popularity of the Keto Diet has soared over the past few years via marketing campaigns and word-of-mouth.

So what is the Keto Diet?  Is it safe?  Does it work?  What foods do you eat ​and what do you avoid?  What are the ​keto diet pros and cons?  What does the research show about it?  When should you consider using it?

I will answer these questions and many more in this article...​

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How to Naturally Lower Cholesterol Levels

Have you been told you that your cholesterol level is too high?

Has your doctor even recommended a prescription medication to lower it?

Is a high cholesterol level dangerous?  Is there anything that you can do to help?

In this article, I will discuss how you can lower your cholesterol level naturally WITHOUT medication.  

The discussion will include which foods you should avoid, which foods you should eat, supplements that help, and other lifestyle changes that can help get your cholesterol level back into the optimal range.

Ready, set, go...

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The Best Natural Treatments for Weight Loss

A visit to a health food store can be overwhelming when you are looking for something to help you lose weight.

How do you know what works and what doesn't?  What is safe and what is potentially dangerous?

In this article, I will discuss some of the most popular weight loss supplements and show what can be effective and what probably isn't.

I will also discuss some nutrient supplements that can be beneficial for weight loss and even some food options that can help you drop some weight.

Here we go...

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Why Am I So Tired All the Time?

Why am I so tired all the time?  I am asked that question multiple times EVERY DAY.  

Our society is exhausted, and it's only getting worse.

Do you ever wake up refreshed, make it through the day easily, then still have energy in the evening for home activities and family time?

If you do, consider yourself fortunate.  Most of us don't.  Not by a long shot.

In this article, I will discuss the most common reasons why you may be tired and give you some pointers on how to regain some energy and quality of life.

Let's get started...

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Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss – Yes It Is Safe and Yes You Can Do it!

The thought of purposely not eating may sound unrealistic and even terrible to you.

However, our bodies were not designed to eat constantly.

Until the last century or so, most people lived a "feast or famine" lifestyle.  It was not uncommon for them to go a day or more between meals until they could afford to buy more food or until they could find another animal or plant to eat.

Eating multiple meals per day has resulted in a ton of health issues, including diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, and many others.

In this article, I will discuss the history of fasting and some false information we have been taught about dieting.

I will also discuss the medical benefits of fasting, some popular ways of fasting that have been shown to help with weight loss, and I will answer some common questions that people have about fasting.

Here we go...

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