Healthy Hormones

Tag Archives for " statins "

The Dangers of Statin Drugs

1 in 4 Americans over the age of 40 are taking a statin drug such as atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin, and pravastatin.  That equates to over 40 million people in the US alone!

We know that statins lower cholesterol levels which reduces the risk of heart disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke.

But is it really that simple?  What does the data really show?  Should so many of us be taking these medications?

In this article I will discuss this class of drugs and why they are recommended.  I will also discuss the many potential side effects that statins can cause, most of which you may not have even heard about.

I will also give my recommendations on who should consider taking statins and who should not.

Let's get started...

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